Little Coffee Bee
22.9 miles from Biddulph
Giving our customers exactly what they want is first and foremost.
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Here’s a selection of our handpicked suppliers near you. To see more, enquire now!
Fantastic service and coffee! Would highly recommend.
Amy TLittle Coffee Bee•
Corporate Event
Very good quality of product and Great service
Nick PChida•
Corporate Event
Be it a double decker bus, converted London black cab or a classic Citroen H2 van, a mobile bar can be a great way of adding a moment that stands out at your event. At Togather we've got the best in the business with all of the aforementioned and much more.
Choosing the right bar for your birthday can be stressful. Our aim is to make it stress free. Our vetted selection of top-quality suppliers ensures quality and reliability. Opt in to our monthly payment plans and take the option to secure a like-for-like replacement in the case of an unforeseen emergency.
event guides
London is home to a vibrant cocktail scene, and cocktail bars can make an ideal setting for a party, celebration or even a corporate event with a twist. We’ve curated a list of 5 of the top cocktail bars you can book for your event - whether you’re looking for East London edge, West London rooftops or an elegant neighbourhood soiree
These are some nearby suppliers from the Food Standards Agency
33 High Street
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
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