Sixth Sense Events
1.6 miles from Egham
At Sixth Sense Events, we have a sixth sense on how to connect with audiences by consistently delivering sensory awe and wonder.
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events near Egham
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quotes for events near Egham
Here’s a selection of our handpicked suppliers near you. To see more, enquire now!
Since our inception we've had over 100,000 couples and wedding planners use our platform to organise their wedding drinks. From prosecco bars and morning coffee served from black cabs to fully customisable bars, we've got whatever you have in mind to make your day unforgettable. Plus, our team is on hand from the moment you enquire to help you along your journey to the perfect day.
Your day is important to us. At Togather we only accept 1 in 20 supplier applications to ensure quality and a high level of service. Beyond that we have monthly payment plans available and the option to secure a replacement supplier if an unforeseen circumstance were to arise.
These are some nearby suppliers from the Food Standards Agency
Staines Market
High Street
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
It only takes 2 minutes!