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Common Event Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

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Saffy Dean-Stone

Sales Executive

With 3 years of sales experience in F&B and events, Saffy is on hand to make sure our customers pick the best suppliers for their event. Her in-depth knowledge of venues, food and drink suppliers, photographers and more ensures customers receive expert recommendations tailored to their event's unique requirements.

Published on Fri 17 May 2024

At Togather, we know organising a standout event is no small feat. It involves juggling various elements—venues, catering, drinks and most importantly guest experience. Sometimes, even the most seasoned planners can stumble, so we’re shedding light on common event mistakes and offering tips to avoid them, ensuring your next event is smooth and unforgettable for your guests.

Lack of Clear Objectives

Often events start with a vision but lack specific goals. Without clear objectives, it’s difficult to measure success or provide direction.

Before diving into planning, define what success looks like for your event. Is it about sparking innovation, celebrating milestones or building connections? Knowing this guides every decision, from the choice of venue to the event format.

Underestimating the Budget

It’s easy to overlook hidden costs, leading to budget overruns that can cause unnecessary stress and cutbacks in crucial areas.

Start with a detailed budget that includes line items for every foreseeable expense and a contingency fund of about 10-15%. Be sure to sign off your budget and event proposal with any senior stakeholders if needed and remember to regularly review and update your budget as plans evolve.

people sat down in indoor venue with lights

Poor Venue Choice

Choosing a venue that’s either too big or too small, too quirky or too boring, or one that lacks the necessary facilities can compromise how much your guests enjoy the event.

List out your technical needs, space requirements and vision before you begin your venue search. Remember to consider the layout and capacity, including whether your guests will be standing or seated - don’t just go for what looks good, choose what works best.

Ignoring Guest Experience

In the rush of event planning, it’s easy to focus solely on schedules and logistics, forgetting about the experience of your guests.

Put yourself in the shoes of your attendees. From the registration process to the event follow-up, every touchpoint should add value and feel seamless. Consider their journey from start to finish—what would impress them, what might annoy them?

Inadequate Staffing

Skimping on or not properly briefing event staff can result in disorganisation and poor attendee experiences.

Ensure you have enough hands on deck and that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Well-informed, friendly staff can boost the energy of the event and handle any issues that arise.


Overlooking Food and Drink Quality

Finally, serving subpar or uninspiring meals can leave a lasting, unfavourable impression. The culinary experience at an event often becomes a major talking point for guests and can significantly shape their overall perception of the occasion.

Don't just feed your guests—delight them! Investing in high-quality, memorable food and drink options can transform your event into a standout experience. Whether it’s a sit-down dinner, canapés, or street food, ensure the menu is thoughtful and well executed. Consider dietary restrictions to make everyone feel included and catered to. We work with the UK’s best caterers,  street food and bar suppliers and can easily connect you to the perfect choice for your event. 

Mistakes happen, but with proper planning and a focus on detail, common pitfalls can be avoided. At Togather, we’re here to help you at every step of your event planning journey. From finding the perfect venue to connecting with top-tier suppliers, let us make your next corporate event not just successful, but exceptional.

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