Sports events
We'll curate the perfect lineup, tackle all of the supplier logistics and be there to make sure everything goes smoothly on the day.
Togather is an end to end custom solution to help you deliver your events your way
We work with 250+ of the UK’s top public event suppliers, including a diverse portfolio of street food suppliers, caterers, and bars. We offer total supplier management for public events, including curation, documentation, payments, logistics, on-site management and post-event reporting.
Why Togather Live
Increased sales
The data we’ve collected from thousands of events enables us to curate a selection of the best suppliers, based on demographic preferences. Using this data, we've increased sales year-on-year by an average of 30% at the public events we’ve worked on, improving guest experience and client revenue.
Supplier curation
We only accept 1 in every 20 supplier applications, all handpicked by our team, curating only the very best from around the UK. We offer you an unrivalled variety of suppliers, giving your music festival attendees an exceptional selection of food and drinks from around the world.
Simple payments
All your payments in one place, and our own POS systems. This data is collected and used to inform post event reporting and decision making for the following year.
Seamless delivery
Our events team has over 100 years of combined experience at the UK’s largest public events and festivals. We know how to build events on a tight schedule and to a specific brief, working closely with you to ensure your event runs seamlessly.
Togather listened to exactly what we wanted, they researched, actioned and provided the best suppliers that suited our event and ethos… great and easy team to work with!
1st February 2023
Learn more about events we've been a part of
Sporting events we've been a part of
The Great North Run
BHF London to Brighton
Birmingham Commonwealth Games
The Great Birmingham Run
Hackney Moves
MLB London Series
Great Scottish Run
Cardiff Half Marathon
Meet our expert team
Our team has over 100 of years live event experience in the industry, here's how they can help.
Speak to our Event Producer team and tell them more about your event.
Our Event Producers will curate the perfect supplier lineup to maximise both revenue and customer experience at the event.
We'll be there for load-in, live days and load-out, working alongside your team to make sure things go smoothly.
Post Event
After the event, we’ll send over a detailed report with data findings, 360 learnings and suggested improvements for next year.