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Why all companies should throw a summer party

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Bella Jolly

Brand Lead

With 10 years' experience working in brand and content for some of the UK's biggest hospitality brands under her belt, Bella takes ownership of the Togather brand. Bella's passion for the events industry shines through in her work, ensuring the stories of amazing suppliers and unforgettable events are effectively communicated through various mediums such as video, photo and the written word.

Outside of work, she can be found scrolling TikTok or enjoying a spicy margarita.

Published on Mon 4 March 2024

A brilliant opportunity to unite your team, celebrate the wins and show how thankful the company is for their hard work - throwing a summer party really is a no-brainer.

Bringing People Together

Summer parties are a great opportunity to break down barriers, turning coworkers into teammates and sometimes even friends. It's not just about fun - it's about creating a sense of belonging. We've seen it time and time again - a team that parties together, thrives together.

Celebrating Successes

Let's face it, everyone's been working hard. A summer bash is the perfect opportunity to step back and celebrate the milestones. It’s a chance to say, "Hey, we've done some pretty great stuff here!". And what better way to boost morale than recognising and appreciating each other’s efforts with some good food and drink under a sunny sky?

Fuelling Creativity

Ever noticed how new ideas tend to pop up in relaxed settings? Summer parties can be breeding grounds for creativity. Away from the usual work environment, people can unwind, mingle, and share ideas in a more informal setting. You never know where the next big idea might come from...

Showing Appreciation

A summer party is a heartfelt way to show your team that you value their hard work and dedication. It's about giving back and showing gratitude in a way that Slack messages and emails never could. We're talking about creating memories, about making each team member feel like a crucial part of something bigger.

Building Brand Ambassadors

When you throw a fantastic summer party, guess what? People talk about it. Your team becomes your brand ambassadors, sharing their brilliant experiences with others. This buzz can attract top talent and even potential clients who want to work with a company that so clearly values its people.

How We Make It Happen

At Togather, we understand the power of a great summer party. Our approach? We get to know you, your team, and your company culture. Then, we match you with the perfect suppliers to bring your unique vision to life. Whether it’s a laid-back picnic or an extravagant black-tie dinner, we ensure every detail reflects your company's style and spirit.

So, ready to make this summer unforgettable for your team? Let's chat and start planning an event that not only celebrates the season but also the heart and soul of your company. Remember, at Togather, we're here to help every step of the way – because when it comes to making memories, we're as enthusiastic as you are.

Let's make this summer one for the books, shall we? Let us know how we can help!