The Brew Box Berks
9.5 miles from Camberley
The Brew Box Berks - Mobile espresso bar.
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Here’s a selection of our handpicked suppliers near you. To see more, enquire now!
Thank you so, so much for the caffeine supply over the weekend- the staff and guests loved them and were so happy with your service and kindness. Your variety was outstanding and I heard so much praise for your hot chocs!
Public FThe Brew Box Berks•
Alexandra Munday
Make it so coffee were a breeze to deal with. Fully equipped with everything he needed to get on, after a short while getting set up Med very efficiently served all of our staff with a friendly manner.
Matt RMake It So Coffee•
Corporate Event
Be it a double decker bus, converted London black cab or a classic Citroen H2 van, a mobile bar can be a great way of adding a moment that stands out at your event. At Togather we've got the best in the business with all of the aforementioned and much more.
Choosing the right bar for your birthday can be stressful. Our aim is to make it stress free. Our vetted selection of top-quality suppliers ensures quality and reliability. Opt in to our monthly payment plans and take the option to secure a like-for-like replacement in the case of an unforeseen emergency.
These are some nearby suppliers from the Food Standards Agency
The Ship Inn
162 Ship Lane
GU14 8BE
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
Surrey Heath House
Knoll Road
GU15 3HD
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
Car Park
Farnborough Football Club
Cherrywood Road
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
It only takes 2 minutes!