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Key Event Dates for Q1 2024

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Bella Jolly

Brand Lead

With 10 years' experience working in brand and content for some of the UK's biggest hospitality brands under her belt, Bella takes ownership of the Togather brand. Bella's passion for the events industry shines through in her work, ensuring the stories of amazing suppliers and unforgettable events are effectively communicated through various mediums such as video, photo and the written word.

Outside of work, she can be found scrolling TikTok or enjoying a spicy margarita.

Published on Wed 28 February 2024

Day in, day out, we speak to people at companies of all shapes and sizes who want to supercharge their events and keep their teams rewarded and engaged all year round. These days, a summer or Christmas party alone won’t cut it. 

Whether it’s cultural celebrations, recognising national days that might be relevant to your team or your industry, or simply just rewarding the great work that your teams are doing - a “little and often” approach can be a great way to make sure that your team are happy and motivated all year round.   

But no matter your intentions at the beginning of the year, it’s easy for time to get away from you - before you know it it’s mid-February and you haven’t even begun to start thinking about dates and timelines. So we’ve done the hard work for you, with a hitlist of key dates in Q1 that would make the perfect starting point for an in-office event. 


15th - Blue Monday - think little pick me ups to encourage your team through the long slog that is January: sweet treats, a coffee truck or even lunch

26th - Australia Day - got Aussies in your team? Celebrate with an Aussie-style barbie or a lowkey brunch just as they do down under 

31st - National Hot Chocolate Day - this one doesn’t require much thinking outside the box: indulgent hot chocolates in the office would be a perfect end to January

All month - Veganuary - think weekly vegan lunches or one big plant-based celebration at the end of the month

All month - Dry January - whether it’s mocktails or coffee, bringing in non-alcoholic beverages for an end of week treat will be much appreciated by anyone taking on Dry Jan


9th - National Pizza Day - pizza is one of our most popular food categories for a reason - so celebrate its national day in style with a pizza supplier at your office

10th - Lunar New Year - Lunar New Year is commonly known as Chinese New Year but is also celebrated in other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, South Korea, and some regions of Japan.  

13th - Pancake Day - do your team prefer American style pancakes for brunch or continental French crepes - or maybe they’d enjoy both? 

14th - Valentine’s Day - small sweet treats in your office can be a nice touch to share a little love on Valentine’s Day

29th - Leap Day - 2024 has one extra day - and if your team are spending it in the office, why not help them make the most of it? 


1st - Employee Appreciation Day - it’s not as high profile as some but we would argue it’s one of the most important days on this list: an entire day dedicated to showing your team how much you appreciate them. 

8th - International Women’s Day - celebrate the women in your life, and their achievements, with a female-owned food supplier like Fabulously Fed or Chrissy's Kitchen 

17th - St Patrick’s Day - St Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, so we recommend kickstarting the celebrations early on Friday 15th - or extending them to Monday 18th

29th March - 1st April - Easter Weekend - of course, most teams won’t be in the office on Easter Weekend, but if you’re planning a sweet Easter treat, we’d wager that cupcakes or cookies would go down better than a shop-bought Easter Egg.

If any of these sound like a good fit for your team, get in touch. 2024 is the year for happy, healthy and well-fed teams and we're here to help you do that without any stress.

Image from: Lamborghini showcase event