Manuelle Foods
2.9 miles from Risca
At Manuelle Foods, we are more than just a food delivery service – we are a family that’s passionate about providing exceptional services and bringing delicious meals to your doorstep.
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It's time to shake up the same old office Deliveroo orders. Be it office catering, company parties, product launches or team treats we've handpicked the UK's best caterers and street food suppliers for your event. Cut out the hours of googling in favour of guaranteed quality and the support of our expert team to help you find and book the right caterer for your event.
From Jaguar Land Rover's festival-themed summer party to Amazon's Christmas party and catering across WeWork in the UK, we're trusted by the nation's biggest brands to deliver the best catering. Since our inception over 50,000 companies have used our platform to book caterers for their event - you could be next.
Our platform is best in class, using sophisticated AI models to help match you with the perfect caterer. But sometimes nothing beats a conversation and personal service. When enquiring with Togather you'll get an account manager to help you with your specific requirements. If in doubt, we're just on the other end of the phone, so don't hesitate to get in touch.
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Corporate event mobile bars near RiscaLooking for incredible catering near Risca?
Corporate event catering near RiscaThese are some nearby suppliers from the Food Standards Agency
Unit A3 Main Court
Chapel Farm Industrial Estate
NP11 7BH
Food hygiene rating: 4
Last inspection:
It only takes 2 minutes!